“Each client, regardless of their size or nature, receives our full dedication and expertise”

In this second segment of the interview with Rick Hanson, we delve into the specialized services and expertise that set Cutty Investigations apart in the private investigation industry. The firm offers a broad spectrum of investigative services tailored to meet the unique needs of both individuals and corporations. From handling sensitive domestic matters to conducting complex corporate investigations, Cutty Investigations combines cutting-edge technology with seasoned expertise to deliver reliable and discreet results. We also explore the diverse clientele it serves, the advanced tools and techniques employed, and the rigorous training that ensures the team remains at the forefront of the industry.

Services and Specializations

Q: What types of investigative services does Cutty Investigations offer?

A: Cutty Investigations offers a comprehensive range of investigative services designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Our services include:

  • Domestic Investigations: These cover areas such as infidelity investigations, child custody disputes, and locating missing persons. We understand the sensitive nature of these cases and handle them with the utmost discretion and compassion.
  • Corporate Investigations: These are aimed at businesses and corporations and include services such as employee background checks, fraud investigations, corporate espionage detection, and workplace misconduct investigations. Our goal is to protect our clients’ assets and reputation.
  • Criminal Investigations: We assist in various criminal matters, offering services like criminal defense investigations, witness location and interviews, and gathering evidence for legal proceedings.

Additionally, we provide specialized services such as skip tracing, expert witness testimony, handwriting analysis, and malpractice investigations. Each of these services is backed by our commitment to thoroughness, accuracy, and confidentiality.

Clients and Cases

Q: What types of clients do you typically serve?

A: Our clientele is diverse, reflecting the wide range of investigative services we offer. We serve private citizens who need assistance with personal matters such as infidelity investigations or locating missing persons. We also work with corporations, ranging from small businesses to some of the largest employers in the world, helping them address issues like employee fraud, corporate espionage, and internal investigations. Each client, regardless of their size or nature, receives our full dedication and expertise.

Q: Can you comment on any notable cases or successes your team has handled?

A: While confidentiality agreements prevent us from disclosing specific details about our clients or cases, I can share an example that highlights our capability and commitment. In one notable case, we were tasked with locating a child who had been taken by a relative. Through a combination of advanced investigative techniques and close coordination with law enforcement, we were able to locate the child just in time, preventing a potentially devastating situation. Cases like this underscore the critical importance of our work and our relentless pursuit of the truth.

Technology and Techniques

Q: Can you comment on the kinds of technology and techniques you utilize in your investigations?

A: At Cutty Investigations, we leverage the latest and most advanced technology to ensure our investigations are thorough and effective. Our toolkit includes high-resolution cameras for surveillance, GPS tracking devices for monitoring movements, and satellite technology for wide-area observation. We also utilize specialized databases that are accessible only to licensed investigation firms, providing us with crucial information that is not available to the general public.

Our investigators are trained to use these technologies effectively, integrating them into comprehensive investigative strategies. This technological edge allows us to gather accurate, actionable information efficiently and discreetly.

Q: How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in the field?

A: Staying current with advancements in the investigative field is essential to maintaining our competitive edge and delivering the best possible service to our clients. We achieve this through active membership in various industry associations and regular participation in professional development opportunities. These memberships provide access to the latest research, trends, and best practices in the industry. Additionally, we engage in continuous learning through training sessions, seminars, and workshops, ensuring our team is always up-to-date with the latest tools and techniques.

Team and Training

Q: Can you tell us about the qualifications and training of the investigators on your team?

A: Our investigators are among the most qualified in the industry. They all hold licenses from the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZ DPS), which involves rigorous background checks and training. Beyond this, we prioritize continuous improvement and skill development. Our investigators regularly participate in advanced training programs and workshops to stay current with the latest investigative techniques and technologies. This ongoing education ensures that our team remains at the forefront of the industry, capable of tackling the most challenging cases with expertise and precision.

Q: How do you ensure continuous improvement and skill development for your investigators?

A: We ensure continuous improvement and skill development through a structured program of training and professional development. This includes regular workshops, seminars, and courses on new technologies and investigative methods. We also encourage our investigators to engage in industry networking and knowledge-sharing opportunities, such as conferences and membership in professional organizations. By fostering a culture of learning and development, we ensure our team remains highly skilled and knowledgeable.

Customer Service and Impact

Q: How do you ensure a positive experience for your clients during stressful investigations?

A: Ensuring a positive experience for our clients, especially during stressful investigations, is a top priority. Clear and consistent communication is key. We keep our clients informed at every stage of the investigation, providing regular updates and being available to answer any questions or concerns they may have. Our compassionate and professional approach helps to alleviate stress and build trust, ensuring that our clients feel supported throughout the process.

Q: Let’s say you met someone who was looking to hire a private investigator, assuming you were not trying to win them as a client, what helpful advice would you give them in their search for a private investigator? What should they look for and what should they be wary of in assessing their options?

A: If I were advising someone looking to hire a private investigator, I would emphasize the importance of experience and communication. The investigator should have substantial private investigative experience, ideally at least 10 years in the private sector rather than law enforcement. This ensures they have the specific skills and knowledge necessary for private investigations. Open and transparent communication is also crucial; the investigator should prioritize understanding your case over discussing fees upfront. If an investigator focuses on money before understanding your needs, it’s a red flag. Look for someone who is genuinely interested in helping you and demonstrates integrity and professionalism from the start.


Q: What types of investigations do you offer?

A: We offer a wide range of investigative services, including domestic, corporate, and criminal investigations. This encompasses background checks, skip tracing, fraud investigations, infidelity cases, expert witness services, handwriting analysis, locating missing persons, and investigating malpractice claims.

Q: How can I request an investigation?

A: To request an investigation, you can contact us via our website’s contact form, email, or phone. We will schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and how we can assist you.

Q: How much do your investigative services cost?

A: The cost of our investigative services varies depending on the nature and complexity of the case. Generally, our fees are based on an hourly rate plus any additional expenses such as mileage. We provide a detailed estimate during the initial consultation.

Q: What qualifications do your investigators have?

A: All our investigators are licensed by the Arizona Department of Public Safety (AZ DPS). They have extensive experience in the private investigation field and undergo continuous training to stay updated with the latest investigative techniques and technologies.

Q: How long does an investigation typically take?

A: The duration of an investigation can vary widely depending on the specifics of the case. Some investigations may be resolved within a few hours, while others could take several months to complete. We provide regular updates to our clients to keep them informed about the progress of their case.

Q: Can you provide evidence for legal proceedings?

A: Yes, we can provide evidence for legal proceedings. Our investigators are skilled in gathering and documenting evidence in a manner that is admissible in court. We also offer expert witness testimony when required.

Q: What geographical areas do you serve?

A: While our primary operations are based in Arizona, we can conduct investigations on an international scale. Our network of contacts and resources allows us to take on cases that extend beyond state and national borders.