DPS License #1607394
Cutty can do all the legwork for you and represents the best cold case investigators in the business, but if you really need to do it yourself, please make sure you do it right.
Normally, you would need a cold case investigation expert if you are dealing with a case involving a serious crime which has a very long statute or limitation. Usually, this involves homicide cases. There are many homicide cases that have been lying around for decades and have gone cold. Thankfully, there are experts who have the expertise needed to not only revive cold cases but actually close them. With the help of the proper cold case investigation expert, you can finally bring closure to a case that has been lying open for quite some time. This is a tremendous relief for all involved, especially the victim’s family.
It’s important to note that a cold case investigation is very different from regular, criminal and civil investigative work. There are different skill sets involved. The main source of difference is the large amount of time involved. Cold case investigation experts have very long time frame. Their skill sets involve uncovering clues that can withstand the test of time. They are also very big on proper documentation and cross referencing documentary evidence.
As time drags by, documentary evidence becomes fragmented. It doesn’t necessarily get lost. However, it becomes hard to compile them. You can’t be lazy and expect that you can easily go to one source for a cold case that is thirty years old. It doesn’t work that way. It’s not that simple. Still, the right cold case investigation expert would have the proper strategies. They use proper documentation and evidence gathering to increase the likelihood of closing your case. Wrap your mind around the following effective ways in searching for a cold case investigation expert.
Ask your contacts at the DA’s office
The district attorney’s office is definitely a great resource. If you are an attorney who has handled a case load either directly or indirectly related to criminal law, you should have some contacts at the district attorney’s office. If you don’t, now is the time to start developing those contacts.
Look at the current roster of staff at the district attorney’s office. See if there are people who went at the same law school as you. Look at their LinkedIn profile. See if they know people that you know. Make sure you reach out and network with those people. Try to develop them into contacts.
Once you have gotten a few solid contacts at the district attorney’s office, you can then ask around for a credible cold case investigation expert. The district attorney’s office in your geographic area is most likely to be most familiar with the work of a cold case investigation expert. Also, as far as personnel selection is concerned, they are more likely to point you in the right direction.
Ask partners in your firm
If you work for a law firm, ask for the older partners regarding this type of expert. This is not a slam-dunk if your firm doesn’t normally handle criminal investigations or criminal defense. Still, by asking the more experienced attorneys in your firm, they might know people directly. If not, they might know people who might know people.
What matters is that you reach out and expand your network. The more you work your network, the more likely you would end up knowing somebody who knows somebody. Of course, just because you get referred to a particular expert doesn’t necessarily mean you would take everybody’s word for it. You still have to give it due diligence. You still have to make sure that this person has the proper experience and academic background to do a halfway decent job as an expert witness.
By asking your partners in your firm, you get the ball rolling as far as working the large, often convoluted and complicated legal referral network in your city. If you work in the typical city in the United States lawyers know each other. They might not know each other on a face to face basis. However, they interact with the local legal network in any way, shape or form. It only takes a few hops for you to access somebody that you need to talk to.
Ask at specialized MCLE conferences
In the United States, attorneys are required to take Mandatory Continuing Legal Education. These are the courses they have to take to refresh their professional knowledge. These courses give them units which are required by their respective bar associations for their licenses to be renewed. To say that MCLE credits are a big deal would be an understatement.
The consequences can be quite heavy if an attorney doesn’t comply with MCLE requirements. The person gets a warning. Eventually he or she can even lose his or her license to practice law in that particular jurisdiction. If you think this seems a bit draconian, think again. Lawyers consistently run foul of this requirement and are often suspended from practice. This is why MCLE conferences are a good place to start if you are looking for a particular type of expert.
We are not just talking about finding a credible and believable cold case investigation expert. All sorts of experts can be referred to you if you attend the right MCLE conferences. The great thing about this type of conference is they are attended by a wide range of attorneys with different practice backgrounds and with different levels of experience. From the wet-behind-the ears, recent law school graduate and bar passer to the grizzled veteran who is a few months away from retirement, you get all sorts of attorneys.
Don’t let this opportunity pass because there’s a wealth of experience between those two extremes. You are sure to get introduced to, or get the contact information of a cold case investigation expert directly. Or else, you would know somebody who knows one.
It’s really important to always double check on leads that you find. While there is no shortage of leads you might get in an MCLE conference, you shouldn’t be lazy. You need to do a secondary investigation to ensure these people are who they claim to be. At the very least, look at their LinkedIn profile. Ask local bar members about them. Look up their participation in past litigation. Ask your contacts in insurance firms or relevant agencies for their opinion regarding that particular expert.
Keep in mind the tips above, if you are serious in finding the right cold case investigation expert. This is a very specialized body of information. Not every expert would have the chops needed for this type of investigation. Make sure you select the right person. Follow the tips above. Always double check your work. Cross reference to other sources of information. Only then, you increase the likelihood that you are doing business with the right expert.