What does a private investigator do?

Are you thinking of hiring a private investigator in Phoenix, AZ but are not sure of exactly what it is that they do? You are not alone. Thanks to the sensationalism of how private investigation is depicted on television, in movies and in books, separating fact from fiction can be difficult for someone unfamiliar with this profession.

Popular belief suggests that private investigators lean more towards cloak and dagger than the actual everyday practicalities of searching for information to solve a problem. This information can be used as evidence in a court case or in the investigation of workplace incidents, to find missing people or to provide proof of infidelity.

It may come as a surprise to know that it is not only private individuals who hire private investigators. Businesses, banks, legal firms, insurance companies, law enforcement and governmental agencies all make use of the unique skillset provided by private investigation contractors.

In this day and age of quick and easy access to information, you can be forgiven for thinking that all information is easily accessible. This is far from the case. Yes, the internet is a treasure trove of information but much of the information you need in order to verify identities or investigate fraudulent insurance claims remains hidden in databases not accessible to the general public. This is where the services of a professional private investigator can prove invaluable.

How does a private investigator acquire credible information?

Private investigators are experts at sourcing information without attracting unwanted attention. It takes a combination of skill, expertise and patience to uncover hard-to-get information.

A private investigator has to crawl through countless court and public records, news archives and government repositories to access information. They are also adept at interviewing people (friends, neighbors, and colleagues, family) to gain information on cases of missing people.

A smart way to gather evidence is through surveillance and monitoring. This, too, takes a tremendous amount of patience and mental prowess to produce real results. Most important, when an investigator is conducting a surveillance operation, it is absolutely critical that they operate within legal boundaries. A professional private investigator will know the rules of surveillance that keep their work within the bounds of the law.

What are the advantages of hiring a private investigator?

Deep at the heart of private investigation services is information gathering on behalf of the client. It is the investigator’s skills and expertise which they rely on to produce results and which earns them their fee. Here are some of the advantages of hiring a PI.

  • Professionally trained to obtain information

The reason you hire a private investigator is to find information that you cannot find on your own. Private investigators are well-trained to obtain different types of information using a variety of methods.

  • Information is obtained within legal frameworks

It is one thing to get information; it is another to do so legally. What good is evidence if it cannot be used in a court of law? Private investigators are bound by law to serve their clients using lawful methods which mean that any information or evidence they obtain can be used in a court of law.

  • Their experience saves you time

How good are you at tracking missing persons? Or, do you know what to look for when conducting background checks? Many of the services a private investigator provides are outside the realm of your day-to-day duties. It might be tempting to conduct your own investigation but without the expertise and experience of a professional, you are put at risk of achieving your ultimate end goal.

Not only would most people not know where to start in finding someone who has disappeared, they would waste precious time in finding leads to follow. But private investigators are experienced in cases of this kind. They can implement a workable plan of action quickly to resolve the case as soon as possible.

Why choose Cutty & Associates?

There is more confidence to be had in choosing a private investigator with the complement of training and experience you require for your needs. When it is privacy and professionalism you need, call Cutty & Associates. We are a team of expert private investigators in Phoenix, highly experienced in a range of investigation services, from child custody to Arizona background checks to missing persons.